Paul Franklin Loses It

Monday, February 16, 2015

Weight 250 - Motivation

I'm in the job of motivation. I can motivate others and thoroughly enjoy helping people find their own motivations. The problem is motivating myself to want lose weight.

I have failed at numerous things to motivate myself in weight loss... Over the last year, since I have been so busy with work and life--- I've let myself slip. I realized what happens to so many in the mid-30s; life gets so busy you decide to allow yourself to say 'I'm happy with who I am & whoever I will be. I'd rather eat a burrito at 11pm or 1am than worry about my figure. I am just happy w/myself.'

Though truly I am happy with myself, the downside is that who I am is what I am... and I have learned to be happy in knowing myself --including my shortcomings. One of these short-comings is enjoying being full. I can out-eat anyone because it is rare when I feel full. (Maybe I was a competitive eater in a past life.)

So it comes back to motivation. I know what I want to do. Eat now & be filled...(even though it's 11pm... or 1am.) & not worry about the long-term consequences. Besides, what is one or 4 burritos at 1am going to do for me? I'll tell you! Not make me want to eat breakfast.

Whatever the case, I want to be fit like I was in my prime. There is no reason this shouldn't be 'my prime' and I need to find motivation to get there.

Here is what I have tried that doesn't motivate me:
* Diet plans
* Shakes
* Actually working out for working out's sake. (I go to the gym because I go to the gym mentality.)
* Having a good body for my wife or myself.
* Small goals. Training for a 5k. (When I ran the 5k a few years ago, I pumped myself up more than I actually worked out. I think I ran about 5-6 times to prep. I averaged about 10.34 per mile.)

Here's what DOES motivate me to work out:
* A hard-set goal with a definitive deadline. For example, I wanted to get fit several years ago, so I decided to try out to become a police officer. I worked out---carrying 45 lbs. weights & running. & in a group of 450 current officers, I placed in #74.---Not bad.
* Working out with my wife. I enjoy it.
* I had a goal to hold my breath & become a better scuba diver. I went to the pool @ work and swam daily. I worked up to holding my breath and swimming underwater for about 70 meters. It helped when I dove & as a side-note, I dropped down to 220lbs. I wanted to be fit by my 'next' dive. & by that dive, I wanted to be even more fit for the NEXT dive.

Hard-set intrinsic motivation.

I have a new goal. In September, I'll be doing something I've never done. About 37,000 people a year do this and it's a monumental feat.

Mt. Everest Base Camp, here I come.

Follow my story as I go from 250lbs. to ??? in prep. for some of the hardest hiking in the world.

I have 2 hurdles that I will get through by September.
* Raising $4,000 to get me there.
* Getting fit enough to trek/hike 6-8 hours a day for 8 days. 

Bring it on.

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