Paul Franklin Loses It

Friday, February 27, 2015

Weight 242: 5 Tips to Curb Late-Night Snacking

200 days until I climb Mt. Everest! (Help me get there--- click here:

When I was on auto-pilot, this was my usual daily routine. Wake up 5:30-6am. Get myself ready, get kids up and off to school by 7:30. I cram some food in my mouth if it's available at home or I'll eat when I get to work. (A few hundred calories. I'm usually not too hungry in the morning & I'm ready to get my day going!) 
I get involved in my day and frequently skip lunch. If I'm starving and realize I'm slowing down, I grab food in the cafeteria or on some snacks I usually keep around. (I'll bring lunch once or twice a week.) 
Finish my day at work, drive home & I'll eat dinner between 530 - 630. After 9pm, when the rest of the house settles down, I am practicing guitar or doing something online until I get hungry again... then I eat. This routine of practicing or playing online, then eating repeats until I get so tired I fall asleep somewhere between 11pm and 1:30am. THIS is why I've gained weight. THIS is why I finally realized I needed a change. Staying up late & waking up early, eating until I'm tired at 1am... In the morning, I'm usually not hungry because I ate only a few hours before. These have not been good habits. The bulk of my calories is at night... 

Eating before bed slows metabolism and encourages weight gain, says Dr. Mark Hyman in his book "Ultrametabolism: The Simple Plan for Automatic Weight Loss." Get into the habit of eating dinner earlier and opt for a smaller, lighter meal to reduce the time and energy needed for digestion to allow your body to carry out its other internal housekeeping functions such as healing, repair and growth.

I took the opportunity of lent to say 'no eating after 8pm.' So far, I've done well. If Muslims can fast without food or water during the DAY for an entire month at Ramadan, I can surely not eat after 8pm during lent. 

Here are 5 ways to stop you from eating late at night:
1. Hungry? Drink water! If you're starving, go CHUG 2 full cups of water. I bet you won't be hungry anymore.
2. Eat Regularly.  I know this from experience --- see above.
3. Distract Yourself - I need to get away from the kitchen or being able to see the kitchen. Start a project & get your mind off eating. OR... go to bed.
4. Protein: I've read that increasing your protein at dinner will not make you as hungry later. The 'full' feeling has more staying power.
5. Do not keep easy-to munch foods around.  Finish your meals, no leftovers. If everything in your fridge/pantry takes time to make... then you're less apt to eat it.

________ok, time to go work out____ MOUNT EVEREST BASE CAMP IS ONLY 200 DAYS AWAY!!!

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