Paul Franklin Loses It

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 34 - Avoiding Dehydration Dangers During Workouts & Wicked Weight loss.

Weight: 224.4.

SWEET! I lost a pound and a half yesterday.
Wait, this seems like too much.

I know eating natural (unprocessed) foods, waking up & working out early, going to bed early, drinking cold water, watching my calories, scheduling meal times for when my body needs the food, etc. is a great way to lose weight, but
am I losing it too fast?

(Scheduling meals matters? Sure! If eating late at night is bad for your diet, then surely there are RIGHT times to eat to burn the most, right? Like eating 6 small meals a day... I've read several times that it's a snack before a workout (or a cup of icy/very cold water), and to eat breakfast within an hour. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but it seems to be working.)

However, I think I'm dehydrated. I'm constantly thirsty. I feel like I can't get enough. Water is actually tasting GOOD, where usually I don't like water. I decided to look up dehydration & learn a bit more about it.

We probably all know caffeine causes it. Our bodies burn off about 2.5 quarts of water per day --- much more if we're exercising. "Drink one or two glasses of water or diluted fruit juice (one part juice to one or two parts water) about 30 minutes to an hour before you begin. Drink another glass or more when you're finished. For more intense and longer workouts, increase your fluid intake to 8 ounces every 20 to 30 minutes. (Skip the high-calorie sports drinks unless you're working out strenuously for at least 90 minutes.)" -

Also, if you're feeling sluggish, urine is yellow (and not clear), not peeing as often, dizzy, dry mouth, or sluggish you are probably dehydrated.

Yup. I have been a bit sluggish & have been super thirsty. I know I'm dehydrated & that's the wrong way to lose weight. Time to rehydrate today & not drink so much coffee. (I think I maxed my 400 mg of caffeine yesterday.)

Time for a nice healthy glass of water.


(This is a really funny water commercial --->

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